
Hi, I’m Lauren. I have loved books since before I learned to read and as a lifelong bookworm I’ve had the great privilege of spending my career close to what I love – words strung together and bound together into things of beauty. They have allowed me to explore people, places and ideas I wouldn’t be able to experience without them. As a professional book editor and publishing executive I get to work with writers and words and ideas all day. As a writer I love to research and write about groundbreaking, strong women – women who broke the rules and pursued their dreams without apology.

I hope reading about them inspires you as much as they inspired me while writing about them.


Bookish Broads


If a well-read woman is a dangerous creature then what, pray tell, does that make a woman writer?


What Would Dolly Do?

what would dolly do?

“This illustrated read highlights the best of Dolly's wisdom, positivity, and spirituality... this book helped me tap into my ‘Inner Dolly’ - her lessons made me feel inspired and confident!”
― First For Women


Jackie and Cassini

jackie and cassini

An illustrated look at the collaboration of Jackie Kennedy and Oleg Cassini in creating a signature look for the First Lady and how they used style as diplomacy and influenced women’s fashion for decades.




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